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Sunset di Tanah Anarki - Water Not War [Back To Lyric Index]

Water Not War
Song  :JRX 

Words : Eka Rock

Above the silent of this burning clouds
Why should I cry if I know I’m gonna fall
I lost my breath when I get into the crowds
All the drive is so hot

Until the day keep me out of this storm
I see the hope lays under machine gun
And no other wanna try to save my soul
…try to save my soul

Day by the day I’m sailing to the crowds
Pick up the line, taking up into the sound
How many days should I stay out of drying
No ones care and I don’t mind (anymore) 

When Im drowning to the ground,
Going blind losing my sound……of getting back
Who’s gonna dream, instead of war…

Superman Is Dead 2008